Poster Research

David Carson

Carson was born 1955 in Texas in the United States and is a graphic designer and is know for his magazine designs. Carson studied at San Diego State University and gained Honors and Distinction for sociology.

Carson’s work in my opinion is extremely confusing and doesn’t appear that appealing to me. Carson has used text to show messages however I feel that it is too disjointed to make sense to me.

Image result for david carson posterImage result for david carson posterImage result for david carson poster

Neville Brody

Brody was born in London England in 1957

Brody main works are around graphic design, Brody studied at London College of Communication and Hornsey College of Art.

I feel that Brody work is unique and interesting with it using colour to add more detail and mystery to his pieces, for instance with picture of the man below Brody has used multiple different words but also has used the colours of the rainbow to make the image stand out and look more creative.

Related imageImage result for neville brody postersImage result for neville brody posters


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